like peonies in May or Vogue's September issue, you will find what is needed... in season

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When it comes to booking a hotel in downtown Kelowna you really cannot beat The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort, or more commonly known as The Delta Grand Hotel. Between the location and service, it’s always my first reccomendation when asked where to stay downtown. Above all, it is truly Kelowna’s only downtown waterfront resort. A […]

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A day trip to Disneyland Paris while Mom and I were in Paris? That could be (really) fun. After all, she is the reason why I am fluent in Disney. Not even 48 hours later, two park tickets were shamelessly purchased for October. It would be my 5th time at a Disney park and my 1st […]

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grab a drink as Jessica unapologetically shares
her curated collection of
life's little luxuries





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