simple window boxes with white flowers & green foliage

Every spring my landlord fills their large pots and window boxes, situated at the front of the house, with simple white annuals and a little green foliage. Although a simple pairing, together they look so lovely against the dark boxes and shutters. It really adds to the home’s exterior.

Also, surrounding the pots and window boxes are these simple white hydrangea bushes. I love seeing hydrangeas in a garden, during the summer time, but the white ones are gorgeous!

When it comes to gardening, I admittedly like the idea of it more. I love the look of flowers of flowers in a garden, but the commitment? Not so much.

A garden is really a lot of work! I have a number of aunties with seriously stunning gardens, but they’re pretty much a full time job. I don’t have time for that!

Should I ever take up gardening, I’d like to think that the extent of my efforts would a few potted pants or a window box of some sort. Aside from the initial planting at the beginning of the season, the ongoing upkeep is rather minimal. While there is a lot of watering and some weeding involved, it really doesn’t amount to much.

I only know this to be true as I have actually enjoy helping my landlord with the flowers over the last few summers.

For further home exterior inspiration, visit my roundup for white homes.

You can visit my spring time board for even more inspiration.


while the above photos have not been taken by me, they have been linked to their source through Pinterest


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