like peonies in May or Vogue's September issue, you will find what is needed... in season

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Can one really have too many floral fragrances upon their vanity? I like to think that there is always room for one more bottle. Especially if it’s a lighter floral one. My mild obsession was definitely ignited by my great aunt. When I was very little, it was she who told me that an outfit […]

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Free of gluten and parabens, I went through my vanity and pulled my favourite skincare products that I swap in, or continue to use, throughout the spring and summer months. As a point of reference, my skin type is on the dry-combination part of the spectrum and is generally sensitive to most products. Below you […]

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As per the cold and dry air during the fall and winter months, I find myself reaching for a lip balm a lot more than spring and summer time. However, regardless of the forecast I will forever be a lip balm hoarder. There is basically one in every essential corner of my life. Due to […]

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grab a drink as Jessica unapologetically shares
her curated collection of
life's little luxuries





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