a chic and simple table for Thanksgiving dinner

I’m going to be honest, when it comes to setting a Thanksgiving table, for my family’s dinner, it amounts to a very simple ensemble. It’s not that a nice table setting isn’t appreciated, food just basically trumps everything. I mean, we are Italian after all.

On that note, I admittedly begin counting down the days to Thanksgiving once it’s mid-September. Thanksgiving hosts my favourite meal of the season and is my second favourite dinner of the year, right behind Christmas and Easter.

As such, I am very grateful that Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October. To me, October is the height of the fall season. By this time, I am 100% into all things pumpkin spice, harvest time, and sweater weather.

To each their own, but I am really not big on centrepieces that interfere or take away from the meal itself. Also, having a fussy table setting would not go over well with the men in my family.

In terms of the table decor for my family’s Thanksgiving dinner, depending on how creative I feel, I’ll usually pair my great-nona’s (nona is Italian for grandma) china with white linens and throw in a few white (unscented) candles and mini white pumpkins. I also like to add a few white flowers (carnations or mums) or greenery in small bud vases, to go in between the candles and mini pumpkins.

At any rate, one certainly can’t go wrong with a simple table set with white linens, plates, and candles.

While not on the dinner menu, this simple apple crisp also makes an excellent Thanksgiving table addition.

You can visit my fall board for even more inspiration.


while the above photos have not been taken by me, they have been linked to their source through Pinterest 


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  1. […] is essentially a copy and paste of the Thanksgiving table, featuring my great nona’s china and white linens, with a touch more greenery alongside an […]

  2. […] Easter in my family, compared to Christmas or Thanksgiving, is a very simple affair, it is just as good as a reason to bring out my great-nona’s china […]

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