like peonies in May or Vogue's September issue, you will find what is needed... in season

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I have always been drawn to the minimal and often calming aesthetic of a home with a white exterior. Whether the home is a modern or traditional style, there is just something about the timelessness of white. It truly will not date. What I also love about going with a white exterior, is the versatility […]

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This would be the time of year when I bring home a pot of paperwhites from the grocery store. Sometimes you just need flowers more than bread! I love the look of white winter bulbs when in full bloom and would argue that they are very underrated in terms of winter decor. While I do […]

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I’m going to be honest, when it comes to setting a Thanksgiving table, for my family’s dinner, it amounts to a very simple ensemble. It’s not that a nice table setting isn’t appreciated, food just basically trumps everything. I mean, we are Italian after all. On that note, I admittedly begin counting down the days […]

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As the fall temperature drops, I like to think that hanging a wreath on my front door adds a little extra warmth to my home. It’s also one of my favourite ways to offset the colder days to come. Well, I like to think that it helps. I love my little one-bedroom home, but I […]

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grab a drink as Jessica unapologetically shares
her curated collection of
life's little luxuries





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