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If you have the slightest obsession with skincare and anti-aging (guilty!) then you too are probably familiar with the benefits of adding vitamins and supplements to your skincare regime. As per my parents’ take on holistic health, my brother and I were taking a multivitamin long before it was encouraged by doctors. By the time […]

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As per typical Canadian weather, what I love to wear in the summer doesn’t always work as well during the winter months. However, this is not the case in terms of my daily beauty product lineup. After a recent scan over my inventory, with the exception of a few seasonal additions, it turns out that […]

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Know what pairs really well with a favourite drink and doesn’t contain any calories? A fresh set of nails! On that note, I am sharing some of my favourite classic nude manicure looks, from my Pinterest board. Initially I had written this roundup as an inspiration source for fall and winter manicure looks. However, most […]

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When it comes to makeup during the spring and summer months, I seek out products that are not only free of parabens, but are also light to apply and will withstand the temperature increase. Unless I am going out, I tend to keep my overall look on the lighter side. Especially during the weekdays. Below […]

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grab a drink as Jessica unapologetically shares
her curated collection of
life's little luxuries



