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As the fall temperature drops, I like to think that hanging a wreath on my front door adds a little extra warmth to my home. It’s also one of my favourite ways to offset the colder days to come. Well, I like to think that it helps. I love my little one-bedroom home, but I […]

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First things first… this blog post is long, long overdue. How so? Well for starters, a good 1/3 of my content takes place in the kitchen. Then there’s the fact that I am Italian. That alone is a whole other can of olives. But simply put, most of my childhood memories take place at a […]

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Every November I find myself impatiently waiting for the second week to arrive. Otherwise known as the week when I bring out the first half (phase one) of my Christmas boxes. It is also when I hang my Christmas wreath on the front door, officially marking the beginning of the holiday season! Incase you were […]

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Simply put, I love the look of a white home. From the exterior to guest bathroom a timeless aesthetic can easily be accomplished. That is of course, when done right. On that note, while it can easily be overlooked, I also really love a white laundry room! With the right layout, paint, and materials it […]

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grab a drink as Jessica unapologetically shares
her curated collection of
life's little luxuries



