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You might recall my gluten free edit on my Auntie Clara’s very simple blueberry muffins. Like most recipes, it led me to an experiment. Unlike most experiments, these gluten free blueberry banana muffins turned out well. SO well, that I had to share. Favourite Takeaways: These muffins were essentially a result of 1 overly ripe […]

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An oldie but goodie and enjoyed throughout the year, my favourite recipe for gluten free and classic chocolate chip cookies has been adapted from my well loved Joy of Cooking book. Favourite Takeaways: From a road trip snack to a baked gift, this recipe is very versatile. It is the foundation of my cookie recipe collection […]

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I like to think that an efficient kitchen includes a well organized pantry of some sort. On that note, from inventory to storage, a pantry is really only as good as its system implemented. While it’s wonderful to have ingredients on hand for a recipe, it’s not so helpful if the item has since expired. […]

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Let’s be honest, discovering that you are lacking an ingredient, right before you are about to bake something, really blows. To avoid the grocery store walk of shame, I really try to keep my pantry organized and well stocked. Whether I am trying a new recipe or baking a favourite treat, I am sharing my […]

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grab a drink as Jessica unapologetically shares
her curated collection of
life's little luxuries



