Hi there! My name is Jessica and I am ever so thrilled to share the Jessie Marie Collection with you.
Like a guest in my home I wish for you to leave feeling pleasantly full. My parents are Italian so I wouldn’t know it any other way.
On that note, I welcome you to please help yourself to my collection of favourites that (I think) are worth sharing.

The Jessie Marie Collection has been curated on the basis of:
- little, everyday luxuries
- less is more
- giving thoughtfully
- a home to love
- simple (gluten free) recipes
- travel, always
- classic and timeless
- living in season
- celebrating traditions
- unconditional love

On that note, here are 16 little things that you probably did not know about me:
- spring is my favourite season
- I am undoubtedly my father’s daughter
- in 2018 I had to break up with gluten
- my passports come in Canadian and Italian
- I would rather wear high heels than flats
- Marie is also my Mom and Grandma’s middle name
- Cinderella is my favourite Disney movie
- I am most definitely a Taurus
- Chanel Chance eau Tendre was my first fragrance
- in 2014 I graduated from UBC
- Milan, Paris and Vancouver are my favourite cities to visit
- gifting is my love language
- white peonies are my favourite flower
- I have 1 brother + 1 fur-brother
- white, grey, and black are colours in my books
- I am unable to resist a road trip
Thank you for visiting. Feel free to join me on Instagram and Pinterest.
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